Dronninglund Hotel
In the middle of the town you will find the relatively new Dronninglund Hotel with its 72 well-furnished double bedrooms – all with a shower, a toilet, a radio, a TV, a telephone etc. Furthermore, the hotel is also equipped with a swimming pool, a sauna, a solarium, a restaurant and a bar.
Slotsgade 78
DK-9330 Dronninglund
Phone: +45 98 84 15 33
Fax: +45 98 84 50
Web: www.dronninglundhotel.dk
Hjallerup Inn and Hotel.
In the middle of Hjallerup you will find the newly restored Hjallerup Inn and Hotel with 24 double bedrooms with all modern facilities such as a bath, toilets, TV and a telephone. The hotel also functions as a restaurant.
Søndergade 1
DK-9320 Hjallerup
Phone: +45 98 28 10 11
Fax: +45 98 28 30 10
E-mail: info@hjallerupkro.dk
Web: www.hjallerupkro.dk