Doctor, physioterapist etc.
– For all kinds of situations
In case of illness or if a participant is injured on Monday to Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., we normally refer to:
Lægehuset, Stationsvej 10, Dronninglund. Tlf. (+45) 98 84 18 88.
The Information Booth will be glad to assist with transport to the doctor and back. (The distance between the Cup area and Lægehuset is approximately 800-1000 meters).
Outside Lægehusets opening hours, please contact a doctor from the emergency service on tlf. (+45) 70 150 300.
Emergency Service (Injury Center):
In case of acute injury or illness, you must first contact an ordinary general practitioner or – during the period 4pm – 8 am – the “Emergency Service” (“Lægevagten” – 70 150 300). There may be waiting times.
In case of severe, urgent need call 112.
SPECIAL for participants of Dronninglund Cup: In case of an injury that has arisen in connection with the Dronninglund Cup, one should always contact the Samaritans (Red Cross) who can refer directly to the Emergency Reception at Aalborg Universitetshospital.
Klinik for Fysioterapi, Rørholtvej 3a, Dronninglund, tlf. (+45) 98 84 28 00.
Opening hours: Monday til Friday from 8:00 a.m. til 4:00 p.m.
Physiotherapist/physical recovery:
Dronninglund-Hallernes Motionscenter, 18, Dronninglund, phone (+45) 98 84 23 87.
Opening hours: Monday til Friday from 8:00 a.m. til 9:30 p.m.
Here you can find a physioterapist who can give you a personal piece of advice.
Kiropraktisk Klinik, Smedegade 3,2, Dronninglund, tlf. (+45) 98 84 36 66.
Opening hours: Monday-Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Tandlægerne, Smedegade 3,1, Dronninglund. Tlf. (+45) 98 84 11 42.
Open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Health insurance - who, what?
No matter where you come from, you are entitled to emergency treatment. All patients will be asked to complete a registration form before starting treatment.
You must present either a blue EU health card or another health insurance certificate – this applies regardless of whether it is in connection with medical visits or hospital visits. If you cannot, you must pay for the treatment yourself.